Social Psychology

Social Thinking

  1. Sometimes people will even self-handicap with self-defeating behaviors that protect self-esteem by providing excuses for failure
  2. Life’s greatest achievements, but also its greatest disappoinments, are born of the highest expectations.
  3. No single truth is ever sufficient, because the world is complex.
  4. Spontaneous trait inference : when we say something good or bad about another, people spontaneously tend to associate that trait with us. So it’s better not to say something bad about another.
  5. Counterfactual Thinking: Imagining the alternative scenarios and outcomes that might have happened, but did’t. Counterfactual thinking underlies our feelings of luck, when we have barely escaped a bad event, we easily imagine a negative counterfactual and therefore feel”good luck”. “Bad luck”, on the other hand, refers to bad events that did happen but easily might not have.
  6. Regression toward the Average: Experience has taught us that when everything is going great, something will go wrong, and that when life is dealing us terribel blows, we can usually look forward to things getting better.


  1. fear-arousing messages are more effective if they lead people not only to fear the severity and likelihood of a threatened event but also to perceive a solution and feel capable of implementing it.
  2. If you are an credible authority and your audience isn’t much concerned with your issues, go for it: Advocate a discrepant view.
  3. A two-sided presentation is more persuasive and enduring is people are(or will be) aware of opposing arguments
  4. when two persuasive messages are back-to-back and the audience then responds at some later time, the first message has the advantage (primary effect). When the two messages are separated in time and the audience responds soon after the message, the second message has the advantage (recency advantage)
  5. Easy-to-understand messages are most persuasive when videotaped. Difficult messages are most persuasive when written.
  6. people with moderate self-esteem are the easiest to influence.
  7. Distraction disarms counterarguing , especially effective when the message is simple .
  8. stimulate people’s thinking:
  9. one way to strengthen existing attitudes is to challenge them , though the challenge must not be so strong as to overwhelm them.

Conformity and Obedience

  1. It is easiest to abuse someone who is distant or depersonalized.
  2. people stick to the public commitment they have made.

A true friendship is a special friendship that helps us to cope with our other friendships